Sunday, October 17, 2010

Twice is nice...

It was a meat and potatoes kind of night, with not a vegetable in sight.

We scored some ridiculously huge steaks in the clearance meat section and they were calling our names from the fridge. And what pairs better with enormous steaks than overly indulgent potatoes?

Now I am well aware of the fact that these potatoes are not in the least bit “lite” or “low-cal,” which is precisely why they are so good. Don’t scrimp on the butter, and don’t substitute low-fat milk for the cream. And especially don’t leave out the bacon fat. Bacon fat is our friend here, creating the yummiest browned, crusty bottom on the potatoes.

Gruyere and Bacon Twice Baked Potatoes

Makes 2 large individual servings

1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 slices bacon
4 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup grated Gruyere cheese, plus extra for topping
1/4 cup cream
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten
salt and pepper

Fry bacon until crisp. Crumble and set aside. Reserve bacon fat.

Boil potatoes in salted water until fork tender. Remove from water and place in a mixing bowl with butter, cheese and cream. Mash. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir in bacon crumbles. When satisfied with seasonings, stir in egg yolk.

Grease individual dishes with bacon fat. Fill with mashed potatoes. Top with extra Gruyere. Potatoes can be made ahead to this point and refrigerated.

When ready to serve, put uncovered potatoes on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.

The end result here is little pots of creamy and cheesy goodness. The egg yolk makes them light and fluffy, but they are a very rich and decadent side dish. Every time I’ve served this dish at dinner parties, they are the clear winner of the night.



  1. oh my! This sounds absolutely delicious! I can't wait to run out and try this tonight!

  2. There must be soemthing in the air. I saw Giada make something similar yesterday on TV and I haven't been able to rid them from mind - now these! YUMMM!

  3. You are my hero! Butter, cream, bacon... yay! These look outstanding! Sometimes you just need a night of indulgence!

  4. You just can't beat the combination of bacon, potatoes and cheese. This looks fabulous!

  5. I agee, Mmmmm bacon.


  6. Yum! It does sound like a creamy goodness!

  7. I think these potatoes are calling my name! How beautiful they look in your Le Creuset too.

  8. Total self indulgence ..... I love it!!

  9. Anything goes better with bacon! Love the little crocks. Looking good as always!

  10. a lovely cocotte meal...looks so appetizing...with a little salad on the side..can only be delicious.

  11. I can see why these are always a winner at dinner parties -- these make you my potato hero of the day -- and I'm making them for dinner here! Thanks...Theresa

  12. I'm officially hungry! :) Sounds delicious!!!

  13. Looks yummy, with all the cheesy goodness, and bacon too. My kind of comfort food! Love the pretty cookware too!

  14. I just love these little pots of yours. I just know these potatoes taste great from the ingredients you used.

  15. Wonderful -- I adore potatoes and these look absolutely delectable! Thanks so much for another wonderful post filled with great ideas and photos, Karen! I may be making these soon!

  16. Oh my! Comforting food must mean it's Fall already where you are (by far my fave season!). Gorgeous pics too. I have those mini pots in red. Inspiration to haul em out.Thank you!

  17. I only allow myself something this "bad" once a year, and my Mom made them for me last night for my birthday dinner! Her recipe uses cheddar, I bet gruyere would make it twice as good!

  18. I had to save this one. It will be served as a special meal for my husband. He loves twice baked potatoes but with bacon; he will thrilled.
    Love the idea of serving them in induvidual pots; I need some of those.
    Great post.

  19. Gruyere is one of my favorite cheese...this dish is too gorgeous.

  20. Yum! If I could have meat and potatoes for every meal, I probably would

  21. Oh Karen. This is sooo my kind of meal. What an indulgence and a good one at that. My mouth is watering.

  22. oh my word. these look increeeedible....mmmm!

  23. You could put gruyere, bacon, and cream on dirt and I would eat it. But on yukon gold's--awesome! Love the addition of the egg yolk.

  24. This potato recipe looks wonderful--I could definitely go for a bacon-less version :) Haven't had twice-baked potatoes in forever!

  25. This is the perfect combo. Looks incredible. Bacon with anything is just to die for.

  26. Now that just looks dangerous! *Quickly running away... but not before I bookmark it first!*

  27. Dear Karen
    Very nice dish indeed. But I wont get any of these ingredients ( except bacon and butter) here in India. But have good mind to try it with available material. I like healthy food more than health food ..
    Have a nice day

  28. Oh wow! These Gruyere and Bacon Twice Baked Potatoes look fantastic and I luv that they're in portion controlled sizes. Delicious!

  29. This sounds and looks awesome, What a delicious combination.

  30. I think there truly is only one thing to say: YUM!!!!!!

  31. I LOVE your green dishes! Gorgeous! This dish looks fantastic!

  32. Yum, bacon makes everything better! I love your little casserole dishes, especially the color.

  33. Fantastic! I am definitely going to make these sometime soon. Nice work!

  34. If I'd have my way...potatoes would probably figure in most of my meals...just as pasta and chocolate would like to compete for the same place.

    Great recipe...thanks.

    Karen...your visit was much appreciated the other day ;o)

    Flavourful wishes,

  35. Meat and potatoes (with bacon). No vegetables. If I was gay and not married and not in love with my husband, I'd go after you.

  36. Oh yeah, there's an award on my blog for you. I love what you do (it has nothing to do with the above post either, I promise). I really am happily married and love my husband.

  37. The recipe sounds delicious, but I'm in love with the green Le Creuset dishes! What a beautiful color.

  38. Oh good God in heaven! That sounds DROP DEAD AMAZING!!!

  39. Meat, potatoes and cheese!!! This is my kind of comfort food... I love your recipe and the pretty casserole dishes...

  40. These look incredible, and I love your little le creuset pots!

  41. I love twice baked. Actually, I don't know anyone who doesn't. Your's looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing your recipe... Must try!

  42. I haven't made this is a while, thanks for reminding me (i make it without bacon and add some chives)
    your pictures are so great

  43. I made these tonight for the first time and they were wonderful! What a hit. My Mother-in law LOVED them. What else can you say.
    Thanks again Karen.

  44. ohmygosh This looks WONderful. And that green le cruset pot makes it even more beautiful

  45. Those look like they belong on my Thanksgiving table. Gruyere and mashed potatoes. Yes. Yes, indeed.

