Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A cornucopia

Apparently there are two kinds of people in this world: those that love a good Bloody Mary, and those that don’t. I happen to fall into the “love” category with a capital L. But then, it is a cocktail, so that’s not too surprising…

On our recent trip to Santa Barbara, I finally got to guzzle taste the Brophy Brothers “famous” Bloody Mary. For as long as we’ve been visiting Santa Barbara, I’ve heard rave reviews about their Bloody Marys, but had never tried one. See, I am a firm believer that Bloody Marys are meant to be enjoyed in the morning, definitely no later than mid-afternoon. Until this trip, the only time we had been to Brophy’s was for dinner and I just couldn’t bring myself to order one. But this time, I bellied up to the bar at 11am with my eye on the prize. Turns out, those rave reviews were spot on. This was easily the best Bloody Mary I had ever tasted. There are no extraordinary ingredients used, unless you consider copious amounts of vodka extraordinary, but the recipe is just spectacular. It has just the right amount of spice and goes down a little too easy.

Unfortunately Andy had to spend his days in a conference for work, so he wasn’t able to taste this perfect concoction. And since his feet are firmly planted in the “don’t” category of loving Bloody Marys, I knew it would take some convincing to get him to try it. For some reason, he is of the belief that they just do not taste good. I can’t even really begin to comprehend such a statement, but thought that there was no way he wouldn’t like this Bloody Mary, so I watched the bartender make it and made mental notes to remake it at home.

The next weekend, as we lounged on the couch watching football, I decided the time was right to introduce him to this beloved cocktail. After mixing one up, I watched him take a very reluctant sip. He promptly ran to the refrigerator, drank milk out of the carton to try to eliminate the taste, and proclaimed that it tasted like I had made it with the contents of our compost bin. Also, he deemed it a “cornucopia of crap.” Well then...not exactly the reaction I was looking for, but entertaining nonetheless. More for me, I guess…

Because I didn’t want to be the only one enjoying a Sunday morning beverage, I opened the liquor cabinet to find something that Andy would love. And when you want Andy to love a drink, chocolate is a safe bet.

Grown-Up Chocolate Milk

2 ounces banana rum (I used Malibu Tropical Banana)
1/2 ounce crème de cacao
1 1/2 ounce cream
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup

Put all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake until well combined.

Pour into a martini glass or over ice. Garnish with whipped cream or swirl chocolate syrup in glass, if desired.

This cocktail fit the bill perfectly…chocolaty and creamy; it’s basically dessert in a glass. The subtle hint of banana gives this a little unexpected flavor that I really like. If the speed in which Andy drank his is any indication, then these were a winner. It may also be worth noting that he didn’t spit it out or feel the need to rinse his mouth after drinking it.

My recreation of the Brophy Brothers Bloody Mary is not quite perfected yet, but when it is, I plan on sharing it here. In the meantime, I just have to keep testing them…it’s a rough job, but someone’s got to do it.


  1. I guess your husband and I are polar opposites. I adore the bloody Mary (like you), but can't stand chocolate so would be rinsing my mouth out with this drink.

    That being said, it really looks delicious, especially swirled in the martini glass. You're very good to your man, creating this drink for him!

  2. I love a good Bloody Mary...also a Bloody Caesar, which is a Canadian thing, a similar drink but made with Clamato juice. Your husband is missing out...but I guess not really when you make this sort of thing for him!

  3. I'm actually on the fence with Bloody Marys. I used to not like them now I can definitely enjoy one at brunch but probably no more than one. But your grown-up chocolate milk sounds right up my alley! Yum!

  4. Grown-up chocolate milk haha love this!! Such a beautiful presentation and sounds delicious! :)

  5. Count me in the LOVE category when it comes to Bloody Mary's! I can't wait to see your recipe recreation.

  6. I love a bloody mary! The chocolate drink looks awesome too but i wouldn't mind seeing your recipe for a good bloody mary either!

  7. That certainly IS grown-up chocolate milk. Looks totally yummy!

  8. Those layers in that glass sure are enticing-that is one drink I could not pass on. A bloody mary is not so enticing, but I would at least try it. Kudos to you making the effort to experiment more, even in light of your husbands reaction.

  9. I love anything that combines dessert in an alcoholic beverage...it's like killing two birds with one stone, especially if you're watching your calories. Love it!!! :)

  10. I am firmly in the HATE Bloody Mary camp. But I am also in the frimly LOVE chocolate camp! So I would absolutely LOVE this chocolate milk!

  11. Did you say RUM! I am in!

    I shall definitely try that Bloody Mary, and will also wait for your post!

    Thanks, Karen! I hope you are enjoying fall!

  12. I fall into the not category with Bloody Mary's but I just know I would fall into the love category with that chocolate milk!

  13. Funny story! I am a cocktail lover myself... as a food lover in general I wish I liked beer and wine more than I do, but I just love me my cocktails instead! I'll try out this one soon, as I am a sweets lover as well... hehe, perfect match!

  14. WOW! I would eat/drink these all up! They look amazing.

  15. First time to your site. What a great read. I will definitely keep reading.

  16. This really looks yummy and I don't drink. I just might have to try this.

    Lisa V.

  17. I'm not a Bloody Mary fan, but this chocolate drink? Now you're speaking my language, Karen!! Love this!!!

  18. My husband loves chocolate milk...I can only imagine his reaction to this cocktail :) Looks fantastic! And I too think i'd choose it over a bloody mary...I'm not a huge fan.

  19. I'm with your husband on this one - I definitely fall into the Bloody Mary don't with a capital D club!

  20. I'll take a chocolate yummy concoction over a bloody mary any day I'm afraid. Not so much with the tomato love at Deep Dish!

  21. Yeah, I'm in Andy's camp - I'm in the don't category. I just can't do a Bloody Mary, but more power to anyone who can! This grown-up chocolate milk sounds right up my alley though =)

  22. I love this recipe... but I'm really looking forward to the bloody mary post! Being from Wisconsin, we enjoy a bloody mary at any morning get-together. It's always good too!!

  23. I like how the name of this post is "A Cornucopia" especially after reading why--lol! I'm in the love category of bloody marys and I can tell by looking at the pictures and the ingredients that I'm also in the love category for this delicious chocolate cocktail you've concocted--wow!

