Thursday, April 5, 2012

For the Easter sweet tooth: Cadbury Egg Chocolate Lava Cakes

I’m sure you already know this, but it’s April.

The first three months of this year have been a blur, with tons happening and tons to be grateful for. But the other day, after a couple particularly exciting new assignments came up, it hit me how much fun I’m having and that time apparently does fly when you’re having fun. Who knew work could actually be fun? Not me…I’ve been working for 15 years and it has never been particularly enjoyable. Sure, there were fun moments here and there, and thanks to those jobs I met some great friends (and a husband!), but I could not describe the jobs themselves as fun. Boring? Check. Mind-numbing? Check, check. I could go on…

So when this exciting assignment was presented to me (which I will tell you about in a few weeks), I got a little teary. Now, this isn’t all that uncommon…I tear up at the drop of a hat, but these tears weren’t due to sadness. These were more like “holy crap, holy crap, holy crap…I am so lucky and I cannot believe all that has happened and all these opportunities that have come my way and, bonus, I get paid for it,” kind of tears. Because when I started this blog, I had vague notions of where I wanted to go with it and I realized that for the first time in my life, I really, really wanted something to happen, and it wasn’t going to happen easily. I am the first to admit that I was very lucky in the past with jobs that have basically fallen in my lap. But this time, things weren’t just going to fall into my lap. I would have to work hard and try hard and maybe fall on my face or get rejected or both. And then I got to realize how much sweeter something is if you have to work for it and how much more you appreciate having it. Cue the tears.

Okay, cry-fest is over (and so is that never-ending run-on sentence). I just wanted to put it out there in the universe that I am extraordinarily happy. Now that I have, I bring you this ridiculously indulgent dessert for Easter:

I have to admit that when I pitched the idea of a Cadbury Egg dessert, I didn’t really have anything in mind. So when it got accepted, I panicked a little because I don’t even like Cadbury Eggs. However, the result turned out to be this dessert that even a Cadbury Egg-hater will love. The Cadbury Eggs and the chocolate cake kind of meld into one and instead of the cloyingly sweet Cadbury Egg filling, you get gooey, rich, chocolaty decadence in every bite. I know because I had many, many bites. I had to test it, right? Get my recipe here.

If you haven't gotten your fill of Easter candy yet, how about an Easter candy martini?

Happy Easter!


  1. I love Cadbury eggs but have never actually tried to bake with them. These desserts look adorable!

  2. You are my hero. I am IN LOVE with this! You literally took my two favorite things (Cadbury Eggs & Chocolate Lava Cake) and fused it into one super dessert! Brilliant!

  3. What a great way to use the eggs! I think it looks so cute. Congrats on your happiness and outlook on life. That's half the battle, isn't it!

  4. It's always nice to read that someone is so happy so congrats on whatever it is. I absolutely love Cadbury Cream Eggs so anything involving them is wonderful!

  5. Oh MAN what a glorious dessert!

  6. Oh, yeah, you're speaking my language now...these look outstanding, Karen!!!

  7. Whoa mama!! Now this is what I call dessert!!!

  8. First and foremost congratulations on the job thing. I am excited to hear all about it!

    Now about those lava cakes. I could seriously eat cadburry eggs until I feel sick so this recipe hits a special place in my heart ;)

  9. Hahah ok I've never been a big cadbury egg fan either but these look AMAZING! Omygoodness yum! I need to make this!

  10. Cadbury's Eggs used to be my fave. Can't eat them anymore but they still have a special place in my heart. ;)

  11. This looks just amazing. Great way to use eggs, I really like it.
    Happy Easter!

  12. What a great idea....I bet these tasted delicious!

  13. This looks so good; great photos. Hope you and your family are having a great weekend.

  14. What an amazing sweet treat!!! Love your photography.

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