Monday, October 17, 2011

Cooking with Wine

Did you hear that? That was me squealing with delight. I still can’t believe what I get to do today…

Let me back up. Several years ago, on our first trip down to Santa Barbara, Andy and I stopped in Los Olivos to do a little wine tasting. Los Olivos plays host to many wine tasting rooms whose vineyards and wineries are spread throughout Santa Barbara County in the Santa Ynez and Santa Maria Valleys. It’s a great little town, jam-packed with tasting rooms…you could walk just a couple blocks and if you stopped at each one, you’d need a nap and a designated driver by the end. But there was one tasting room in particular that I wanted to introduce Andy to, although I had never been there myself; I’d only had the wine in restaurants.

As we walked towards the tasting room, Andy casually mentioned that this would be his first official wine tasting experience. He’d been to Napa and Sonoma, but it was with clients and he hadn’t actually participated in the tastings. After his shocking statement finally registered in my brain, I was thrilled that: 1. I got to be the one to introduce this ridiculously fun activity to him, and 2. I got to be the one to introduce this ridiculously good wine to him. So into the Andrew Murray Vineyards tasting room we went…we came out with many bottles, a wine-club membership and we haven’t looked back. It is now on our “must visit” list when we head down south.

Fast-forward a few years. We enjoy Andrew Murray wines on a regular basis. And being wine-club members, I wasn’t too surprised to see an email with something about Andrew Murray Vineyards in my inbox. But then I remembered that the membership is in Andy’s name, and he’s the one who gets those emails. That’s when the squealing started…

“Would I like to do a guest recipe post on Andrew Murray’s website?” I don’t think I did a double take…it was probably more like a quadruple take. Hmmm…let me think about that for just a – YES! There was jumping up and down. I had to restrain myself from replying in all caps using dozens of exclamation points. I also had to restrain myself from asking, “Really? Me? Are you sure?”

So, it is with the greatest pleasure that I direct you over to the Andrew Murray Vineyards website… specifically the recipe page (but while you’re there, look around). I’ve made Braised Short Ribs with Ancho-Chili Spiced Syrah Reduction using one of their Syrahs. It’s served over creamy mashed potatoes, and if I do say so myself, it’s a pretty tasty dish; one that’s hitting the spot right now as the weather gets chilly and we start craving comfort food. Pair it with the same wine you used for cooking and you’re in business…

Okay, you’re free to go.

Click here for the recipe: Braised Short Ribs with Ancho-Chili Spiced Syrah Reduction

Please come back and let me know what you think. And if you’re in the mood, you could also check out my Spicy Tomato-Feta Dip while you’re there (Where? Oh, that would be on the Andrew Murray Vineyards website...), and sometime in the near future, another one of my recipes might be making an appearance. What?!? I told you I was excited!!!

Disclaimer: This post was not compensated in any way. All opinions of this awesome wine are my own.


  1. Oh hooray! How exciting! This recipe looks absolutely mouth-watering and I can't wait to see what else you contribute to Andrew Murray =)

  2. Good for you Karen! I LOVE beef short ribs and this looks fantastic!

  3. wow...this looks soooooooo good! congrats on your gig! i guess i will just have to check out andy murray's website!

  4. Your meal looks really delicious. I have never cooked with wine, but I want to try.

  5. Those beef short ribs look amazing! I'm putting that recipe on my "must try" list! I'm not familiar with Andy Murray wine...running over to check them out now! Thanks for the tip!

  6. your pictures are making me hungry! I have cooked with white wine but never red...will need to try it out!

  7. Love this post! Great time of year to start cooking foods like this. The photos have me drooling and I'm posting this at 7:50 AM. Great value wine to use too. Andrew Murray wines rock!

  8. That looks delish!! Going to have to check out the wine<<---best part of the meal :)

  9. wow, this is drool worthy, looks amazingly delicious.

  10. Wow, that's so exciting and your dish looks phenomenal! I am off to check out that amazing recipe because I can tell you for sure that I will be making this.

  11. This looks amazing, I love short ribs.

  12. Wowza. I don't even eat meat but that looks and sounds AMAZING!

  13. I need that, right now. The weather's getting cool so comfort food is a great idea. Comfort food that involves braising and wine, even better!

  14. This is such a beautiful recipe Karen! I absolutely love braised short ribs, they are so decadent. I love to cook with wine too, especially because as I am cooking I always have a glass or two. It can't go to waste, right?? :)

  15. Once of my favorite hearty meals. You got my stomach growling.

  16. Seriously looks amazing and made me drool on the keyboard. Love this dish!

  17. I love Andrew Murray wines too--your recipe looks awesome!

  18. OMGosh I need that plate of food right now!!! yummmm!!!

  19. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Gosh, what an honor...and after seeing this dish, I have a feeling you'll be asked back! It looks truly amazing~

  20. This is so exciting!

  21. Whoa! That looks fabulous and right in time for the chilly weather! Congratulations! That is so exciting :)

  22. Comfort food at its best, simple and deeply satisfying, yum :)

  23. Cooking with wine? YES PLEASE! Sounds and looks delish! Can't wait to try it... and by try it I mean for you to invite me over and make it for me. :)

  24. Talk about squealing with delight... I can't get over how amazing this looks. I love cooking with wine, so I need to try this out.

    And over mashed potatoes? Jiminy Christmas, I think I need a second dinner.

  25. You literally have me drooling here!! I love short ribs...and yours looks perfect!

  26. I am the one "squealing with delight" over reading this post. I am truly humbled that our Syrah has inspired such prose and culinary delights. Our friend Julie used this recipe last night and it tasted every bit as good your stunning photos make it look! A real treat! Thanks for sharing the recipe and our wines with your community of friends and foodies! I look forward to trying some more of your recipes in our home, with friends!

  27. Oh my does that look good! I am such a fan of cooking with wine because meat falls right off the bone. And pairing it is always a fun little game!

  28. I'm so jealous....yum! I love wine but don't get to drink it a lot because I'm the only one in the house that likes it. This meal looks amazing. I could totally dig right in :)

  29. Hot stuff! I'd have totally squeezed too :) Heading over there now to check out your no doubt delicious ribs!

  30. Seriously looks amazing. It's cooked perfectly. I just want a fork full right now.

  31. wow how exciting thrilled for you great recipe hugs

  32. This is truly an exciting occasion for you...the recipe is spot on and the photography is captivating. Andrew Murray Vineyards had the right vision in extending an invitation for you to write a recipe. Congratulations on the Top 9!

  33. Karen - Though I love to cook and my husband loves short ribs, I've never made them for him. Armed with your recipe and my two bottles of AMV Syrah Tous les Jours (one for cooking and one for drinking), I cooked this delicious autumn dinner on Monday night for him and the Murrays. The flavors and aromas were divine! Also, because I made the mashed potatoes ahead of time and everything else went in the Dutch oven, clean-up was easy...winning!!! Thank you!

  34. Ohhh congrats on the guest post!! :-)))
    This dish looks amazing! The meat looks so tender and that wine reduction over the creamy mash potatoes is making my mouth water!! Well done!

  35. i always drink while i cook and i love to tilt over my glass on a stemaing pot hahah.

    i had a similar dish the other night and oh how your post reminded me of it. my mouth is watering!
    happy weekend!

  36. congrats on getting featured and the top 9. it looks so pro!! wow! you're good Karen!

  37. Congratulations! That is so cool! I absolutely love the Santa Ynez Valley and Los Olivos, but I've never been to the Andrew Murray vineyards. I guess I'll have to add it to my list.

  38. These look amazing!! We're making these next week for sure!

  39. Gorgeous dish! My mouth is watering, I love short ribs. The ancho spiced syrah reduction sounds amazing! Saving this one.

